Le bureau provincial de la santé à Cibitoke apprécie l’étape déjà franchie par le centre Dave. Il considère l’offre des soins médicaux...
AGRICULTURE: CULTIVATION OF SWEET POTATOES Contributing to the nutrition of the Burundian population, achieving food self-sufficiency, is the goal of the Cibitoke diaspora. A large field of sweet...
L’équipe d’EDEN Microfinance a effectué une visite aux clients dans la province de Cibitoke le mercredi 15 novembre 2023. Cette descente s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’évaluation...
Edition Hebdomadaire du 16 Juillet 2023 présentée par Nadia NAHIGEJEJE Education: Plus de 50 mille lauréats débutent l’Examen d’Etat, Edition 2022 –...
Journal hebdomadaire du 3 au 9 juillet 2023 présenté par Nadia Nahigejeje CIBITOKE : Les usagers du périmètre irrigué dans les communes de Buganda et Rugombo...
Ce samedi 29 avril 2023, le Chef de l’Etat Evariste Ndayishimiye s’est associé à la population de la commune #Rugombo lors des travaux communautaires. Ces travaux consistaient...
Ouverture solennelle jeudi 27 avril 2023 d’une microfinance dénommée «Relational Collaboration Family Nyunganira» (RFC Nyunganira en sigle). Gilbert Manirakiza, administrateur...
Meeting of the natives of the Province of Cibitoke with the aim of making an inventory of the achievements and future development projects of the province The meeting was honored by the presence of...
As part of the implementation of his project "UMUKENYEZI IMBERE", which translates into "women at the forefront of the community development scene", Radio CDN La voix de Cibitoke...
Under the theme: "Serving Burundi well in the management of public affairs", the province of Cibitoke warmly welcomed the Torch of Peace on Thursday, November 3, 2022. Launched on Wednesday...
In the middle of the agricultural season, CDN has realized a project on an extension of 5 hectares, of which 2 hectares reserved for maize and taro. For this part of the land, we are in the hoeing...
The Association Solidarity of Burundian Women for Social Welfare and Progress (SFBSP-Burundi) organized, from Wednesday 22 to Friday 24 June 2022, a training workshop on women’s rights and women’s...
Five basic schools of the Municipal Education Department of Mugina on Thursday, June 9, 2022 received 105 benches. This donation, worth two million and two hundred and fifty thousand Burundian francs,...
The Minister of Communications, Information Technology and Media, Mrs Léocadie Ndacayisaba, welcomes the CDN radio project, a project initiated and implemented by the association CDN (CIBITOKE...
On the occasion of the commemoration of the 4th anniversary of the massacres perpetrated on May 11, 2018 in Ruhagarika, the families of the victims call for justice to the Government. These families...
Since 21 February 2022, about twenty journalists from various community radios and the Burundian online press have participated in a capacity-building seminar on the fundamentals of journalism. This...
In its mission to help eliminate famine and food self-sufficiency, Cibitoke residents and/or those who have lived abroad have started an agricultural project. It is in this perspective that CDN requested...
The Minister of Communication officially opens CDN Radio in Cibitoke It is a newborn in the media landscape of Burundi. Radio CDN of the Association Cibitoke Diaspora Network (CDN) broadcasts its...
PROJECT: Support provided to primary schools through the purchase of desks WHEN: February 2021 PLACE: Municipality of Murwi and Mugina BENEFICIARIES: Murwi and Mugina's students
Having CDN made solidarity one of the values on which it bases its action and being determined to make its contribution to the development of the province of Cibitoke, supporting and encouraging the...
Since its creation CDN has made solidarity one of the values on which its action is based. In fact, in the life of the association there were many moments characterized by gestures of solidarity. For...